Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Lunch Bunch

Today I had "The Lunch Bunch" over for-you guessed it-lunch. The day started out with the toilet backing up into the tub. Not the best thing to go when you're having company. Wal*Mart to the rescue. After averting the plumbing disaster it was time to make lunch. I made baked spaghetti, salad, hot french bread, and Mississippi mud cake for dessert. Now the best part of a meal is the company you share it with which included me age 39, Beverly in her 50's, Mom in her 60's, and Ms. Jean in her 80's. Some people may be uncomfortable around those from another generation-they don't know what they're missing! We all learn so much from each other. One of my dearest friends, Ruth, is in her 80's and I can't tell you how much I have learned from her. My best friend is Jean and she is a year younger than me and I have learned much from her also. I surmise that if you pick good, Godly friends, no matter their age, there is much wisdom to be gained, strong shoulders to cry on, fierce prayer warriors to intercede for you, and someone to laugh until you cry with. My friends are a blessing to me and I thank God for each and every one of you.

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